How FaxCore’s fax solutions drive productivity

FaxCore's fax solutions allow organizations to abandon outdated equipment and switch to an online fax methodology.

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Many businesses can leverage fax solutions for a more efficient working environment. For digitally minded organizations with global footprints and supply chains, traditional fax machines can be frustratingly slow. Using old equipment usually takes up a few minutes of an employee's working day every time he or she wants to send a fax. Added up over the course of a month or a year, it can represent a significant dent in an organization's operating efficiency and budget. This is especially true for organizations in fax-heavy sectors such as healthcare and legal that rely on efficient information transfers to continue operations. Personnel on both ends can be delayed by a slow fax machine.

FaxCore's fax over IP fax solutions allow organizations to abandon outdated equipment and switch to an online fax methodology. Investing in next-gen fax solutions enables businesses to enhance their unified communications potential and streamline their information access systems. Let's look at each of these productivity building areas in turn:

  • Build unified communications: Business communications are vastly more complicated than they were even a few years ago. Different methods of interaction – faxes, telephony and email among them – existed in silos, requiring their own equipment, wiring and protocols. This made for some inefficiencies, but technical disparities prevented them from being consolidated in a meaningful way. Ultimately, the relative simplicity involved in using only a couple communication technologies didn't make unification imperative.

    The rise of mobile devices, social media and other alternative forms of communication have made the Internet the focal point of enterprise interactions. This not only creates more system complexity, but can hamper communication.  A message thread can end up tangled through email responses, voicemails and paper copies, wrote Forbes contributor Natalie Burg. Leveraging all communications on one platform – in this case, the Internet – enables a company to streamline productivity. FaxCore's fax solutions are the perfect complement to Internet-based telephony for maximizing operational efficiency, allowing for unified business communications.

  • Improve information access: Optimizing record-keeping systems has never been more important as data security and compliance concerns reach a fever pitch. Compliance complexity is on the rise, according to Thomson Reuters, and safeguarding all confidential information can end up being a costly and time-intensive effort. Older fax machines are ill-equipped for today's digital challenges, and files sent over them are at greater risk of interception or unauthorized access. Misplaced or incorrectly organized information can also contribute to lost time and raised stress under the threat of compliance audits, which hampers productivity.

    FaxCore's fax over IP fax solutions offer compliance-ready online document transfers that provide management and oversight at a level far more advanced than a traditional fax machine can offer. Auto fax archiving and document tracking with Audit Trail are two of the fax solutions that FaxCore offers. These two features provide continuous, automated oversight that supports effective, safe document management. This can greatly reduce the amount of money and time companies have to lavish on compliance efforts and continuity planning, enabling them to improve productivity in a meaningful and lasting way. 

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